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Welcome to SEXTOY Wholesale • Trusted Online for Over 25 Years • Privacy Guarantee

Product Data Feeds

You can use our product and inventory feeds to load product data directly into your ecommerce platform.  To use our feeds we require you to agree to our Data Feed Usage Agreement.

Inventory Feed - CSV Format (updated hourly) DOWNLOAD

Product Feed - CSV Format (updated daily) DOWNLOAD

Product Image Feed - CSV Format (updated daily) DOWNLOAD 

MAP Prices Feed - CSV Format (updated daily) DOWNLOAD 

MAP prices provided are not guaranteed to be accurate or current. Manufacturers update MAP agreements and do not distribute them equally. Wholesale is not responsible for your list prices abiding to MAP.

Product Feed Fields

Field Name Description
handle Unique handle for the product
upc Universal Product Code 
title Product Title
description Product Description
brand Product Brand
price Product Price
category 1 Primary Category the product belongs to
category 2 Secondary Category the product belongs to (if applicable)
category 3 Tertiary Category the product belongs to (if applicable)
features Key features of the product
functions Functions of the product
warranty Warranty information for the product, if available
water resistance Indicates the water resistance level of the product
size Size of the product
power Power information related to the product
material Material composition of the product
color Color of the product variant
image 1 URL for the main image of the product
image 2 URL for the second image of the product (if available)
image 3 URL for the third image of the product (if available)
allow marketplace Indicates if the product is allowed on third-party marketplaces
discountable Indicates if the product is discountable (Y for Yes, N for No)
weight Weight of the product
width Width of the product
height Height of the product
length Length of the product
insertable length Insertable length of the product (if applicable)
inner diameter Inner diameter of the product (if applicable)